The Hair Cut

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. I hear my name a lot.

“Digby, don’t eat that.”

“Digby, come here.”

“What are you doing, Digby?”

“Digby, what did you roll in?”

Yes. I hear my name quite a lot. I also leave a trace of myself wherever I go. A stench or a smell or both. And hair. A lot of hair. But not as much as Boy Person’s. You heard me.

Things have been crazy lately. So much so, that Boy Person hasn’t been able to get his hair cut. He’s been looking, well, groovy. Real groovy.

So he decided to take the matter of a hair cut into his own hands. I didn’t want to watch. In fact, the three of us went outside to leave him to his own devices. Which was a pair of scissors and a clipper.

We heard complaints from outside the RV as soon as his appointment with himself started.

He couldn’t see the back of his head. He couldn’t get his hair to lay right. He was getting hair all over the place. He then issued a formal complaint to himself but then kept on going.

After what seemed like hours, because it was hours, he emerged. He asked us what we thought. And actually. Well. He looked pretty good. Brickle remarked that he himself had never needed a haircut a day in his life.

And he still looked better than Boy Person. However, he did have to give him props. He looked good.

No. Boy Person won’t be changing occupations any time soon. What is his occupation anyway?

But for all of us who have learned to be more self sufficient during this time, it’s a good feeling. Often, we can do more than what we think is possible. But we aren’t willing to take a chance. It’s true that you never know what you can do until you try.

But don’t expect to get an appointment with Boy Person any time soon. He’s booked taking care of me and Digby. Oh yeah…that’s his real job.

Deputy Digby Pancake

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