Your Jambalaya Sounds Like What?

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  If there has ever been a sight for sore eyes, it is me. But if your eyes are sore, why are they open?  Just think of me instead.  You’re welcome.


You know, this weekend, it rained in this Florida place. It rained a lot, a lot.  


Girl Person had plans with her other girl persons on Friday night, but they had to cancel because it was too dangerous to go outside.  


I was secretly happy about this, because you see, it is my job to keep an eye on her under all circumstances.  And this circumstance was dangerous. It rained so hard that I thought our sardine can RV would turn into a can of whales up in here!

But to me, you have two choices when it’s raining in a sardine can RV.  You either sit there and mope or sleep…


Or, if you are Girl Person and your plans get canceled, you make some jambalaya.  


It’s a funny thing about jambalaya.  I have no clue what in the world it is. No idea.

Girl Person says that jambalaya is a good thing to eat when it’s raining though.  Because it wakes you up.  It is comforting.  And it’s fun.  And Digby and I got to thinking.  We had some extra time on our paws. 


Seems as though when it’s quiet in the campground, we think it is really nice.  Last week, we were the only ones here in the whole place.  There wasn’t much activity going on except for Digby’s barking for dinner at exactly 5:01 pm.  And as the days went on, all alone, the niceness of the quiet turned a bit boring.  


I didn’t have much of anything to police except myself, and I certainly didn’t need arresting.  I wondered if I was missing things to get irritated at.  I wondered if I was missing the annoying noise of little persons screaming.  Yes, I said that out loud.  I wondered if I was missing the strange person who asked how old we were every time he saw us.  I wondered if I was missing other dogs barking, late night campers and campfire songs after quiet time started.  

How was this possible?  Was this possible?  Why was I missing annoying things?


Did I miss the spicy in life?  I thought I had enough to go around for myself, and for others, but obviously, Girl Person was on to something.  We needed some jambalaya. And she was making it.  And it was good.  Real good.

And now, I knew what this jambalaya stuff was trying to tell us.  That sometimes, the most perfect dish in life is the spice.  It’s the stuff that makes us feel alive.  Noise and talking and activity and things to get irritated at.  It’s the stuff that we think we don’t want but that we need.  

You see, because if we were all alone, all of the time, it would get quiet.  Unless you are Boy Person who talks to himself way too much.

So I decided that the next time I got irritated…so irritated that my corndog tail was begging for some spicy mustard, that I would remember the quiet.  I would remember how I longed for the jambalaya.  You see, we all have our own jambalaya.  What does yours sound like?  What would you miss tomorrow if it was gone today?  Think about it.  If there was a time that you think about now..some spicyness that made you feel alive, get in your kitchen. And cook up some up! What does your jambalaya sound like?

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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