The Strangers

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  Well, you know who you are. You know what you did this weekend. And you know why you will be arrested today,  Actually, you already have.  If you come clean, you may get a leaner sentence. Yes, I said leaner. Because I am lean.


When you are always on the job like I am, sometimes, you see so many persons doing things to get arrested, but you are only one Sheriff, and so you cannot do it alone. Having a Deputy Digby that is always happy, but not happy to work makes your job harder as well, because you have to arrest him, and that defeats the purpose.


So, this weekend at camp, I looked around. I saw everyone having fun. I saw all of the infractions being committed. It has been raining nonstop and has flooded everywhere at camp. I saw people leaving their soaked underwear on posts. I saw people using shovels to dig trenches to keep the water out of their campsite. I saw little persons going thru mud on purpose to splash everyone. And I saw Deputy Digby trying to run thru the mud on purpose. Arrested, arrested, arrested, arrested again. And again.  And arrested again. I was thrilled about it.


But all of this arresting got me tired. And that is when I heard the music.  Boom, boom, boom. People laughing. People having fun. People needing to be arrested. Since all of this arresting had made me exhausted, I thought that maybe. Just maybe. They would welcome some law enforcement into their party. But I quickly found out that I was not invited.  Me and Deputy? We were strangers.

Seems as if no one wants a Sheriff at their shindig. Even in the middle of a South Carolina, stormy and humid night. So me and the Deputy sat down. And well, since we were strangers, we might as well be creepy strangers, and just watch.

So, Girl Person let us sit there and be kinda creepy until it became obvious that we wanted some barbecue and we wanted to dance. She told us that no one asked us to join them, so we were going to continue to walk. I didn’t like it.  But I had no choice. I secretly thought, that since I was a creepy stranger, that I would find somewhere else to break up a party. Or just watch.

So we kept walking and we came upon a water park.  There was a pool and all kinds of slides and I thought that this was to be the party of the day! Certainly, they would let us in.  I mean, just because the sign said closed?  I can’t read anyway.


And I was the Sheriff. I should have had a key.  But nope.  No party here.  What kind of hours does this place keep, anyway?  Arrested.


So since that party would have been bad anyway without me there, I decided that yep. I needed some chips and some goodies and maybe an umbrella and maybe some necessities like a stick for roasting marshmallows. I figured in the camp store that certainly, I would be invited to this party with chips and an umbrella and a stick for roasting marshmallows.  As I got nearer to the door, I saw it.  “No pets.” Well, I am not a pet, I am a Sheriff and I have jurisdiction everywhere.  Girl Person said that she would get arrested if we went inside. So I thought. It would be much easier to creep here too.  Yep.  Gotta fight fire with fire when you can’t party with a marshmallow stick.


So we kept on going. Right back to our campsite. Sure, we met a few friends along the way. But no one invited us to any party. And I thought to myself. I could either feel sorry for myself.  Or I could get dressed up.  I could forget how bad Digby smelled.  And I could throw my own party.  Nope.  Not a pity party.  If I wanted to feel better, all I needed to do was get it together.  This was my life.

It is easy when the rain keeps pouring down in Charleston, South Carolina or any day in your life in general to let it get you down. You can think that everyone is having more fun than you. Although I am still wishing that someone would have at least gave me a piece of chicken.  But all of us have a choice.  If we want new friends, we have to work at making ourselves happier so that others want to be our friends.  If we want to party down, sometimes we have to throw our own parties and invite others.  It is not always easy to make new friends.  But it is a lot harder to be a stranger.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle


Did you miss our live videos on Friday for Pet Releaf? Yes, we had two! The storms cut off our reception, so make sure you watch below! If you have a question for Pet Releaf, feel free to comment on this blog! For July, use coupon code 2TD at checkout to save 10% at


One thought on “The Strangers

  1. Sharon

    For pet releaf. I have a jack Russell. 14 years old. @ 30 pounds(he’s on a diet!). He has arthritis. The vet gave him the equivalent of prednisone. He is always hungry and it has made him extremely grumpy and touchy. What do you recommend I order for him from your pet releaf?

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