2 Traveling Frogs?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake.  I have heard that sometimes you get a frog in your throat. Well, sometimes you get a frog in your RV.  Sometimes you get two frogs in your RV.  Sometimes, they croak all night long in a never-ending symphony of croakiness that even cows wouldn’t come home to. Sometimes you wonder if life is trying to tell you something.  Or the frogs.


First, the Scarlet Pimpernel and now two frogs want to join us in this Big Blue Treat Wagon RV for the ride. Well, we don’t even know where we are going after this in a month!  So why did the frogs hitch a ride from Tampa?  Why did the Scarlet Pimpernel hitch a ride back and forth too? Who else is in here?  Mouse?  You better have found another house.  This sure isn’t big enough for us all at this point.


“Frog in a little pond can be much happier than fish in a vast ocean.”

First, we have one frog who decided he was going to hitch a ride in the skylight on the four hour journey to Jacksonville.  Then, apparently his friend hitched a ride in the air conditioner.  Which is broken, I might add.  Coincidence? I think not.

“Frogs have it made, they get to eat what bugs them.”

Girl Person says that everything on this earth has something to say if we listen.  Some we have to pay a little bit more attention to hear it, like the butterflies, or the ants.  Some won’t let us ignore them, like the Scarlet Pimpernel or the 2 Traveling Frogs.

“Frog in the mud is happier than then man, because it has no ambition to reach the stars!”

But I think that everything has a bit of music to give to our ears.  Because everything has its own song, its own tune.  The strange thing is, often, we feel like we are being inconvenienced by the music.  Maybe because we are in our own world.  Maybe that is why the frogs croak so loud.  No one would take time to hear them if they didn’t sing it loud and proud.

So I think that the best thing to do at this point with all of this music going on is to form a band.  Who do you think would be the lead singer?

A band like ours would be hard to beat.  2 Traveling Dogs with 2 Traveling Frogs and a stylish, Scarlet Pimpernel.  I would not know what to call our band though.  What about just one word? Pancake?  That way, fans would throw pancakes at us.  The frogs could use them as lily pads.  And the Scarlet Pimpernel could make a cushy bed for his nest out of one.  Sheriff Brickle?


I know he would be the lead singer and try to steal all of the pancakes, but a lead singer gets too busy fighting off adoring fans.  And since he has so much trouble expressing his emotions, I think that this job in the band is made for him.  He can sing it.  And still keep his day job of laying down the law while not seeming sensitive.

If not for the frogs, I would have never thought about the possibility of a band.  And so, even though this Big Blue Treat Wagon is seeming more and more like the Partridge family..well…I’m kinda digging it.  My name IS Digby.

So, thank you 2 Traveling Frogs for hitching that ride.  I am not sure where you want to go here in this Jacksonville, Florida place.  Because there is a lot of ocean.  And I don’t think your lily pad would last very long.  But there are ponds too.  And lakes.  And there is plenty for us to show you.  It’s nice that our traveling can take a break for this month.  It will be nice to spend it with new friends.  But I do have to tell you.  For the band, last call is at 10 p.m. and the persons are pretty strict on that one.  If you want to stay, you are going to have to be yourself a little quieter.  You know, like when Girl Person tells me to use my inside voice.  And maybe while you are here, can you fix the air conditioning? You seem to like it up there.
-Deputy Digby Pancake


3 thoughts on “2 Traveling Frogs?

  1. Jacqueline

    Hilarious!! All of the pictures of the Boys too are just too adorable!! I hope you all get some sleep tonight, I’m going to listen to the Pawcast now, I can’t wait!! Love you all!!! xoxoxoxox <3 <3 <3 <3
    P.S. And a Happy Be-Lated Birthday, Precious Sheriff Brickle. *kiss*

  2. Karen Hampton

    ‘Playin’ in a Traveling Band!!! I’d pay in pancakes AND peanut butter cookies to see you all!! As for Sheriff not being able to express his emotions….oh, his facial expressions speak VOLUMES!! Digby, with your deep sexy voice, youre the Barry White of canines…..ladies live that sound!! Enjoy your day…week…month!! Keep singing. 😘🐕🐶👍🏼

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