Prickly But Beautiful

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  For probably the sixth time in our lives, I have something to say. Welcome to Arizona.  Again.


It was a very long day yesterday.  Even longer than when I stare at myself in the mirror.  And that is long.  It was also longer than my corndog tail, but we won’t go there…now will we?


We thought we would never get here, and some of our stuff did not.  Including Boy Person’s hat and our broom.

Now, I would have taken a picture of said missing things, but since they are gone, I suppose that is not possible.  What I will say is that first of all, when you are traveling through the high wind areas of the desert, you should not wear a hat with the windows down and expect it to stay on your head.  Also, if you have a broom at your campsite in the middle of a desert, you should not leave your campsite and expect that if you leave it outside, that it will be there when you get back in a windstorm.  Brooms and hats are necessary in our world, and now we have none.

But..what is also necessary at this point in our trip is to remain positive, even if we have such not great days of travel, or if we lose stuff, or if we get lost.

Because we have to focus.  Some of the places we visit may also be less than hospitable I say.  But even if they are prickly, we are making an effort to not sit on the pricks.  Digby, move over, I need to sit down. Bahahaha!


When we drove thru the hot desert yesterday, Digby was still looking for his pancake trees, and I was still looking for my peanut butter cookie trees.  But all we saw was cactus after cactus after cactus.  And really big ones at that!  With no pancakes.  Or cookies.


And it got me to thinking.  I wondered how long they had been out there being prickly and beautiful.  And I thought that they were just a little bit like me…except they were a cactus of course.  A Saguaro cactus.

Now, I know a lot of things, but I suppose that I have never found it necessary to ponder the existence of a cactus.  But when we saw these giants out in the desert, we knew we were fortunate to have stumbled across their beauty.  Much how you probably feel about me.


Life can be prickly, that is for sure.  There are plenty of things to stick us. There are plenty of things that try to get us distracted from the beauty around us.  But just like life in the desert, that are some things that thrive and flourish, like the Saguaro Cactus.  They would not want to be anywhere else. The desert is essential to the ones that live in it. They need its harshness, they need its environment.  And they appreciate it.  If you have found yourself in life’s desert…do you appreciate what it can teach you too?

For us on this trip, we are going to appreciate every single place we go to on the way back to that Florida place…prickly or not.  I mean, the persons love me, prickly or not…right?  Instead of always worrying about what is next, and a schedule, we are going to embrace where we find ourselves.  Even if we are in the middle of a desert with a prickly and beautiful cactus.  That’s me.

What is on the agenda this week?  We will be going to Organ Pipe National Monument, traveling to some caverns…and then who knows what?!  That’s is the beautiful thing.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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4 Legger!

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2 thoughts on “Prickly But Beautiful

  1. Jacqueline

    This makes me blissfully happy. I loved the video of all of the desert animal sounds, and I’m SO happy that you all are letting things go and going with the flow. And taking your time. And not sweating the petty stuff. I am sorry about Boy Persons hat and the broom though. But I don’t think there’s ever been one time in my life that I’ve traveled that I didn’t lose a thing or two. But, my favorite line is this: ” we are making an effort to not sit on the pricks. Digby, move over, I need to sit down. Bahahaha!” I have spent the later years of my life living by those words, Sheriff!!!! Well, the beginning part!!!!! Didn’t mean to be R-rated, but that line just about killed me!!! I have a foul mind sometimes, Thank you!!! Love you all, hope Digby is feeling better, be safe and stay cool!!! It’s snowing in Wisconsin like a lunatic!!!! xoxoxoxox <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. Kathy Dubree

    I read your advertisement for the foot balm. I Have a black Lab mix that is a house dog. Some times she chews and licks her feet. I wonder if this balm would help her? Shes beautiful Guys, you’d like her.

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