The Carnival With A Sausage Sandwich And Hot Dog

This is Deputy Digby Pancake. Yesterday was a pretty bad day.  I am just going to say it.  No  use in trying to be happy about it.  Too tired to try.  Driving in the pouring rain with lightening and rain and not being able to move from this Big Blue Treat Wagon for eight hours was enough to send anyone over the edge. Even me.  When we finally arrived to camp, it rained even harder sending rain inside the RV, and for hours, the persons tried to clean up leaks.  That Florida place can’t come soon enough next week. But looks like the persons will be spending most of their time now trying to fix this house on wheels so we can finish up our remaining 14 states and have it completed by May 2nd.  We can do it, we know. One. Day. At. A. Time.

It is my job as Deputy to make everything better for my family.  Sheriff Brickle is the one that worries about trying to fix stuff, but I am the one that tries to be the happy one to cheer everyone up.  So in all the commotion yesterday, I tried to divert some attention from the bad situation by smelling up the place with a sausage sandwich. And a hot dog too.

As Boy Person was driving, about 5 hours in, I let it loose.  Boy Person asked Girl Person why it always smelled like a carnival in here and someone cooking up a sausage sandwich.  Girl Person had to laugh while holding her nose.  You are welcome, persons.  You are welcome. However, in my mind, I not only cooked up a sausage sandwich. I cooked up a few hot dogs too.


You see, even in the most horrible of situations, you still gotta think that maybe…just maybe, one day you will look back on it and laugh.  Sometimes you can. Sometimes you can’t.  But I guarantee years from now, what they will remember most about our day yesterday was the sausage sandwich and hot dogs at the carnival.  And not the rain.  At least, I hope so.

Now I am hungry though and ready to start our day in this Alabama place.  Hopefully, the rain will hold off for a bit and we can enjoy the ocean.  Because we drove a long way to see it.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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One thought on “The Carnival With A Sausage Sandwich And Hot Dog

  1. Kathryn King

    Love, Love, Love your travels and stories. Nothing more special than a dog. (I keep dog bones at work, coworkers call me the dog whisperer). I rescued my Chi-Pom from a woman on drugs at 5 yrs. Keep up the great wrk, safe travels💜💜💜

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