What’s Your Name, Little Girl?

This is Deputy Digby Pancake, and our week has been going great in this Tennessee place. Oh, except for a few things. The cold.  The cold. The cold. Last night was the coldest night so far for us on our Adventure Of A Lifetime.


After our rescue visit to the Dixie Pet Underground in Cleveland, Tennessee, Boy Person spent hours and hours trying to get the Big Blue Treat Wagon ready for the cold night ahead.


When you drive your house around everywhere you go, things get a bit complicated.  Things like rain, heat and water and yep, broken showers have seemed to plague us all along this trip.  But I suppose it gives me something to write about on the blog!  And we wouldn’t change a thing.  That’s the truth.


But yesterday, when we were on our morning walk, persons here in this Tennessee place asked me, “What’s your name, little girl?”  They told Girl Person that I was the dern prettiest little girl.  Well, as you can imagine, Sheriff Brickle thought that was funny.  Until he realized they had not complimented his own self, but me.

Girl Person told them that I was a boy, but agreed that I was indeed cute as could be.  I agreed as well, but Sheriff Brickle not so much.  Not so much.  He pouted and turned his corndog tail away, and I thought hmmmm.  Sheriff Brickle thinks Tennessee looks good on him, but apparently I am the cat’s meow.  I will take being pretty.  Because I am.  Sometimes, you just have to own it.

Now, I would like to stay here in this Tennessee place and use my pretty to get some more pancakes, but the cold?  Probably not going to happen.  Butter doesn’t melt on cold pancakes.  And that is not a pretty thing at all.  So I will grace you with my prettiness Tennessee until Monday, but then…Alabama and the Gulf Shores is where we are headed! I hear too that after that, the next week is vacation in our Florida place!

But today and this weekend, we are going to brave the cold and explore Tennessee some more! Pretty as picture? That’s me AND Tennessee.  Sorry, Sheriff.

-Deputy Digby Pancake

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