You’ve Got A Friend

This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  And yesterday in this Colorado place was a very nice day.  For many reasons.




It has been a long six months on the road.  A lot of times, we feel alone.  Sure, we are around people all the time, too close sometimes in the Big Blue Treat Wagon.  But moving from state to state every single week gets hard because we don’t see any familiar faces.  And for Girl Person, she is getting sad from not seeing our Gandma and Gandpa and our friends and other family.  So when we found out that her childhood best friend was near us in this Colorado place, we decided to take a detour and hike some really neat places with her and her dog Bear.  Bear seemed like a kindred spirit as soon as we met him.


We weren’t sure where we were, but we knew we were in for a good hike when Girl Person and her old friend couldn’t stop laughing about old times.  Girl Person told me that when you have the best of friends, and you don’t see them for awhile, it doesn’t seem like any time has passed at all.  All I know is that I like to see her happy.  And yesterday, she was sure happy.




This Colorado place has made us all happy too.  Who wouldn’t love the Rocky Mountains and the fresh air and the food and the people?  Lots of hiking and yesterday, lots of laughing.  All of this has got me in a singing mood, and I don’t sing very often. I’m happy Girl Person had her friend, even if for a few days! And what else? We made a new friend named Bear and we think we are going to be very good friends for a long time.


It’s easy to say, but true.  When the persons are happy, me and Digby Pancake are happy.  I am sure it goes that way in your house too.  Us furkids pick up on your moods, and you should know that.  If you don’t? Well.  You.  Are.  Arrested.

If you aren’t in a good mood today, I have a suggestion.  Call an old friend.  Laugh about old times.  Spend a few minutes of your day getting happy.  You say you don’t have time?  We all have time for what we want to do.  It’s about priorities.  And today’s priority is being happy!  If you want to call me, so be it.  1-800-handsomest-dog-in-the-world.

If you don’t feel like calling an old friend, new friends like Bear are out there too.  Let’s get happy today and make that our Wednesday priority. Or…

You. Are. Arrested.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

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4 thoughts on “You’ve Got A Friend

  1. Kathleen

    You must get down Now !! Do not mess around with being sick —– it will only get worse !!! Please go down to a better altitude!!!!!!

  2. Karen Olson

    Thank for some words of wisdom Sheriff. I think I will be happy to say. I would be even happier if I was in Colorado too, but I be happy where I am. Have a wonderful day enjoy Colorado and both your old and new friends.

  3. Sharon

    stay in CO longer, you need a break. plans and routines are great, BUT you guys need a break. CO is the most amazing place, your friend is there, Bear is there. I say, stay for an extra week or two or a month. If not, you are arrested

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