Sir. Nice To Meet Ya.


This is Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle.  I met a fine gentleman on our walk last night.  Allow me to tell you about him.  And I hope you meet someone like him too.

We were in our beachy, crazy neighborhood last night taking our walk.  There are many crazy things to see every night.  Neighbors in high heels picking our microwaves from other people’s trash.  People walking cats on a leash with catnip.  You know, the usual.  But tonight, we met a neighbor we hadn’t seen before.  Benny. Sir Benny.

Sure, we have seen his persons before.  Nothing goes unnoticed by the Sheriff.  But tonight, we saw a lovely neighbor person carrying a dog down some stairs.  My Girl Person asked her if he was a new addition to their family.  She said no, that he was 18 years old and just not able to get around much. His name is Benny. I call him Sir Benny.

She carried him down the stairs and into the grass.  So I decided that the grass seemed pretty cushy too and I laid down.  Benny came over to me and sat by me and we just, well, sat for awhile.  Sometimes you don’t have to say much to enjoy something.

His lovely person remarked that we were good with him.  Well,  of course! You have to show respect.  Sir. Sir Benny.  Nice to meet ya.  I don’t care that you can’t see or walk much.  I don’t care you don’t smell as lovely as me.  I do care that you are awesome and to be respected Sir Benny.  I can only imagine the things you have been though, or saw, sniffed or peed on.  And I am privileged to have met ya.

Sometimes, persons think that just because a dog is old, it can’t enjoy life.  We don’t say that about persons usually.  Being older may mean being able to get around less fast, but is that a bad thing? It makes you sit a little longer.  Appreciate a little longer.  Love a little longer.  Thanks for letting me remember that tonight Benny.  Sir Benny.  It was nice to meet ya.

-Sheriff Peanut Butter Brickle

2 thoughts on “Sir. Nice To Meet Ya.

  1. Jana spess

    This was the sweetest ever! I too have a older dog and she can’t hear so well but at 15 she still loves to go for a walk every now and then. My Dakota one of the great loves of my life!

  2. Jelli Gauthier

    How sweet of you.
    My Abbey turned TEN but she still out runs, out chases critters than Tootsie..(she’s the roaming wanderer..) Probably looking for FOOD..
    Abbey gets the RESPECT around here..

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